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I've relied on Square Circle Consulting for Mac support since 2003. I am always impressed with David's knowledge of Mac systems and diligence in pursuing solutions with software reps. David's integrity is impeccable; it provides the foundation for everything he does. I have been very fortunate to have him as a trusted resource.

-Patricia Hoopes, Marketing VP


Put more than 30 years of experience to work for you

Owner David B. Hanke has more than 30 years of experience as a Mac consultant, and Square Circle Consulting has been providing dedicated Mac services and solutions since 1994 - longer than any other Mac consulting company in the Madison area.

Through these experiences, Square Circle Consulting comes to you with an understanding of a wide range of companies and their needs. Clients include advertising agencies, corporate marketing departments, filmmakers, graphic designers, magazines, newspapers, photographers, printers and website designers.

Get customer-focused service that goes the extra mile

Square Circle Consulting is in the business of solving, not selling. We start by putting ourselves in your shoes and listening to your needs. Then we offer recommendations driven by those needs, not by products. Every service we provide - from consulting and support to installation and maintenance - is approached with your best interests first.

Here are more examples of our customer focus:

- Prompt response, with urgent problems typically resolved the same business day
- Resolutions that are both effective and economical
- Tips, resources, and updates to help you stay current

Develop a relationship you can count on

Calling manufacturer tech support can cause you to lose precious time. Square Circle Consulting makes your job easier by being the one place you can call on and count on for complete Mac service and solutions.

The result is someone who really knows you, your computers, and your business. Someone you can truly trust to look out for you, whether you're having a problem or just need ongoing maintenance. It's the kind of relationship that lets Square Circle Consulting help you solve not only today's issues, but also anticipate what you will need in the future.